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Independent Inquiry Program
Your curiosity will drive your journey to discover more about the world around you with guided checkpoints along the way. You will have an opportunity to explore 'the high adventure' of learning when it is defined under your own terms and driven by your questions of investigation.
Independent Inquiry Program Outline
1. Thinking Like a Scientist
What is Scientific Inquiry?
2. The Scientific Method and The Design Process
Defining Testable Research Questions and Methods of Exploration
3. Choosing a Project and Finding Support
Narrowing down your topic and finding people to help with your journey and exploration.
4. Focusing your Topic to a Research Question
5. Designing a Controlled Experiment
After choosing a topic and narrowing down your focus, you will design an investigation driven by your topic question. This
investigation might be an experiment or designing and building something that shows your thinking.
6. Keeping a Research Journal
Writing down your questions, thoughts, predictions, and test results is a way to keep track of very important information.
7. Recording and Analyzing Data
What have you found out so far? There are easy ways to keep track of your tests and descriptions. Making graphs, bar charts, or
describing results is easy - for you and others who are reading about your amazing discoveries!
8. Preparing a Presentation
10. Resources
Reflection / What's Next?
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