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Independent Inquiry Program
Your curiosity will drive your journey to discover more about the world around you with guided checkpoints along the way. You will have an opportunity to explore 'the high adventure' of learning when it is defined under your own terms and driven by your questions of investigation.
* Communicating Your Findings through Posters
* Oral Communication
Student Learning Objectives and Outcomes
Students will be able to communicate their findings orally and visually with posters, power points/Prezi , or other formats to summarize their research so others can understand.
Visual Presentations
Students will be able to design and construct a poster that displays their research in an organized and attractive manner.
Useful guidelines can be found here (Junior Academy of Science Policy and Presentation)
Some students will have had previous experience making posters for display. Others may struggle with how to do this. There are general guidelines to include in your design and should be included as follows:
Your title will give a clear and concise idea of your project. This should include appropriate topics such as subject and variables; product and design;
School/Affiliation -
Introduction -
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